I absolutely love colour; the brighter the better! There is something about colour that I find very playful and I am a passionate believer in the importance and power of play in our day-to- day lives. Through my art I create a style of painting that not only allows myself a chance to play with colour, texture, form etc., but also invites the viewer to participate and engage in this sense of fun and childlike abandon.
I am surrounded by some of the most stunning scenery in Devon, from the High Moor with its Tors, right down through the woodlands to the peaty rivers, all of which continue to inform my work. I first started my popular ‘Hayfield’ series of paintings after taking my youngest daughter for a picnic in a neighbour’s hayfield; I remember lying there and looking up at the clouds, realising this would be a great perspective to paint from. Nature’s beauty is everywhere; it’s just a matter of individual interpretation. I try to capture some of the excitement I get from experiencing living in this landscape.
I am also very drawn to the North Cornwall coast and love to absorb the interaction between sky and sea and the shifting light that plays on them both. I like to immerse myself in the atmosphere of a place, and then back in the studio, using photographs as a reference; I paint intuitively, building layers of colour and texture on the canvas.
Abstract is a particular passion of mine as it offers me total freedom and release combined with an adrenaline rush when the colours smash out of the canvas and play tricks with your eyes! Using other tools alongside paintbrushes is a big part of my work, drawing on the DIY section of hardware stores and pipettes from science labs and of course, my hands, to create unique and interesting layers and textures.
Despite no formal art training, I have always enjoyed experimenting with creativity and have over the years developed a unique and distinct style wholly my own. Though I’m not traditionally trained, I see this as a positive as I am fearless – anything is possible!
We have recently opened our Moorland Garden to visitors as part of the National Gardens Scheme which raises money for a variety of charities, and this allows visitors to share my inspirational surroundings and to visit my garden studio. It is also the perfect opportunity for me to paint the vivid colours of the seasons, from Spring through to Autumn, every year I can’t resist painting first the Camellias, then the Arums, the Hydrangeas and the coppery tones of turning leaves.
Prices: My paintings are priced at present from £150.00 to £1500.00 depending on size and content.
Corporate loans are available on request – POA

I work from my studio in the garden at Greatcombe. Here I display any work that is not currently out on exhibition. Visitors are welcome but strictly by prior appointment only.